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Yun Hai Selection Dried Fruit: Green Mango

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For a limited time only, enjoy 20% off on green mango with a best before date of April 2025. Click here to purchase.

Made from unripe baby Tu Mangoes 土芒果 (the original Taiwan mango), these are nature's sour gummy: chewy, bright, sweet with an electric tang, an old school Taiwanese treat.

We source our green mangoes from family farms in 玉井, who harvest their mango by hand. In order to get big, sweet mangoes at harvest time, the farmers must prune much of the developing fruit on the tree, so the tree directs its resources to the fruit still on the branches.

The baby mangoes that are cut from the tree when pruning are then used to make all manner of green mango snacks—candied, pickled, frozen, and of course, this sugared and salted dried version. As usual, we don't add any additives or artificial preservatives, and dry them naturally.

Tasting Notes and Usage

nature's sour gummy

Ingredients and Instructions

green mango, sugar, salt

About Yun Hai Selection

Yun Hai Selection is the house brand of Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

We have many people to thank for helping us realize this project:

-All of the incredible farmers and their teams who tirelessly grew, dried, and packed these amazing fruits

-Feng for all her tenacity and agility in being our woman on the ground, packing and shipping all of the products out of Taiwan
All our friends and families who we put off or ignored or cancelled plans with to get these fruits out

-Hyphen Works for their passionate and thorough creative direction of our kickstarter campaign and our packaging, even when asked at a moment's notice

-Overice and Jessica Chen for turning around the most beauitful fruit illustrations more or less overnight (can i take a bite out of that wax apple? I'm still wondering)

-Leh Lin for dropping everything to join us on a last minute sourcing trip and his help with late night product photography

-Jeremiah Chiu for letting us use his amazing music for our Kickstarter video

- Sony Jin for pushing all the boundaries to rush deliver us the most beautiful packaging

-Xiao Luo and Xiao Yeh for producing cardboard boxes during a paper shortage and driving multiple hours to hand deliver them at a day’s notice

-Bryant for working tirelessly to find us a ship and a container amidst the shipping craziness

-Angeline and Annabel who made sure our products arrived and cleared customs without a hitch

- Melinda Roeleveld, Elisabeth Roeleveld, Christopher Roeleveld, James Smith, and Agnes Cheng for their help with the little ones while we edited video and copy again and again

- All our friends and family who we put off or ignored or cancelled plans with to get these fruits out

And of course thank you to our 1,117 backers, with special acknowledgment to the MEGA supporters below:

Aaron Jen, Acousticsheep LLC, Ada Chen, Agnes Cheng, Alexander Dumitriu, Allison Teng, Angela Juang, Annlie Huang, Arthur Keller, Belle Huang, Bill Himmelsbach, Brian Goldberg, Calvin Szeto, Caroline Chan, Cindy Hom, Debbie Lai, Derek Houng, Edward Liu, Emily Chang, Emily Kuo, Eric Delagardelle, Eugenia Hu, Felix Hu, Grace Flaak, Hanna Huang, Ho Chie Tsai, Ho Tsai, Hui Miao, Ian Anderson, James Lin, Jane Lui, Jean Han, Jeff Ho, Jeff Shieh, Jennifer Liang, Jimmy Qiu, John Wei, Josephina Shih, Josh Ku, Juliana Shyu, Justina Cheng, Kari Parks, Katherine Tsay, Kelvin Yen, King Leung, Larry Debrock, Lilly Lampe, Linda Hou, Lynna Tsou, Margaret Chou, Marcel Molina, Mei Edwards, Misty Burnett, Nikki Depaola, Olivia Tzou, Pamela Rose, Serena Teng, The Chuang Family, Trigg Brown, Wei-Zen Wei, and Xin Liu