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About Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry

Lisa Smith and Lillian Lin at our brick and mortar in Brooklyn, NY. Photo by Lana Apisukh. 

Yun Hai® 雲海 offers a selection of premium ingredients for Taiwanese and Chinese cooking. We source directly from artisans, farms, and soy sauce breweries in Taiwan. Terrain, technique, history, and humanity come together in the traditional foods we distribute.

Our team helps small food businesses based in Taiwan prepare their product for commercial import to an eager audience in the United States. We intend to bring visibility to the culture, cuisine, and independence of Taiwan while offering a selection of fine and fancy ingredients for Taiwanese and Chinese cooking.

Yun Hai is Lisa Cheng Smith, Lillian Lin, and Ivan Wu. We are headquartered in Changhua, Taiwan, and New York City. 


Our Name

Yun Hai® 雲海means “sea of clouds”—it describes a phenomenon that happens high in the mountains of Central Taiwan. In the afternoon, the clouds settle lower than the mountain peaks and cover the land in a blanket of foggy mist.  This atmospheric effect is important for growers of Gao Shan Cha 高山茶, or high mountain tea. The dew and moisture creates a climate that makes the tea tender, flavorful, and delicate. To us, it symbolizes the natural beauty of Taiwan and its populations.

Photo of XiTou National Forest Yun Hai® 2016