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A few of our items are out of stock, but expected to return in late January. Thanks for your patience.

White Sesame Mocktail

White Sesame Mocktail

This White Sesame Mocktail balances a delicate sesame fragrance with lively citrus notes and a subtle kick from the peppercorns, reminiscent of a refreshing cucumber salad. This drink is non alcoholic, using lemon seltzer as the base, easily subbed with gin if you're looking for something more.

White Sesame Mocktail by Jolyn Yao, Callan Berry, and Michael Christensen

makes one drink


  • 1/2 oz Lime juice⁠
  • 1/2 oz Simple syrup⁠
  • 1/4 oz Donghe White Sesame Oil⁠
  • 5 Peppercorns ⁠
  • 3 oz Lemon Seltzer (or Gin)⁠
  • 1/4 oz Lemon Juice⁠
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper⁠


  1. Shake the first 4 ingredients with ice for 30 seconds⁠
  2. Strain and pour over large ice cube⁠
  3. Add 3 oz lemon seltzer and 1/4 oz lemon juice⁠
  4. Garnish with fresh cracked pepper.⁠

Recipe by:  Jolyn Yao, Callan Berry, and Michael Christensen
Styling by: Off Hour Studio