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Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN
Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN


Taiwan Travel Guide: LUROUFAN TAIWAN

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Independently published by writer and photographer Chez Kuo, Luroufan Taiwan is a thoughtfully curated travel guide to lu rou fan (braised pork over rice) 滷肉飯 shops in Taiwan, enriched with beautiful photography and interviews with shop owners—not to mention English and Japanese translations for it all. It is a first-of-its-kind passion project.

Lu rou fan is one of Taiwan's most well-known comfort foods, and everyone has a different opinion on what makes an ideal bowl. Some like it savory-only, while others like it sweeter, in keeping with the southern Taiwanese palate. Some prefer their pork in fatty chunks, and others prefer it lean and minced. Not to mention the endless permutations of accoutrements.

Motivated by an enthusiasm for exploring his local foodways, Kuo visited over 120 lu rou fan shops across 13 cities in Taiwan, recording the flavors and textures of each bowl in mouthwatering detail. He drew on his professional experience as a magazine editor to photograph and lay out the entire book himself.

Adding to the book's utility, every lu rou fan shop's page has a QR code leading to its Google Maps location. And to help readers shape their Taiwan itineraries, Kuo taps into his coffee knowledge to recommend local cafes, as well as dessert shops and even hotels.

With this guide in your hands, you are one step closer to finding the lu rou fan of your dreams.

From the Publisher


由《咖啡寶島》作者Chez Kuo獨立出版的新書《滷肉飯寶島》,帶領讀者從台灣北走到台灣南,橫跨十多座城市,親自探訪超過120間滷肉飯店,實地拍攝與取材,將每一碗滷肉飯的美味完整呈現。書中內容以中、日、英三語書寫,提供詳細資訊,無論是在地讀者還是國際旅客,都能按圖索驥,輕鬆找到並品嚐台灣最具代表性的滷肉飯。


This is a frequently debated topic among Taiwanese people: where can you find the best lu rou fan (braised pork over rice)? Of course, it's always the one around the corner from your place. And now, Luroufan Taiwan brings together some of the most delicious and popular lu rou fan selections from cities across Taiwan. Perhaps this book even features that shop in your neighborhood!

Independently published by Chez Kuo, the author of Coffee Taiwan 101, Luroufan Taiwan takes readers on a journey from northern to southern Taiwan, to over 120 lu rou fan shops across more than 10 cities. Interviews and photography bring the delicious tastes of each bowl of lu rou fan to life. Written in Chinese and translated into Japanese and English, this book's comprehensiveness makes it easy for both local Taiwanese readers and visitors from abroad to find and taste Taiwan’s representative dish.

This book is not just a culinary adventure, but also a deep exploration of Taiwanese food culture. Whether you are a diehard fan of lu rou fan or simply curious about Taiwan’s street food, this book will make you fall in love with this classic everyday dish.

About the Author

曾任流行雜誌主編,從二十世紀末開始接觸街頭文化,至今仍然持續出產著文字與圖像過生活。每天三杯咖啡的基礎需求,實踐著「我不是在咖啡館,就去咖啡館的路上」理念,尋覓著每個城市中的咖啡角落。近期著有《啡嚐日本》、《咖啡寶島》 等多本著作,2024 年轉挑戰在地美食路線,身嚐百碗滷肉飯,持續為大家分享在地美味。

Former fashion magazine editor Chez Kuo began exploring street culture at the turn of the century and continues to live a life of writing and photography. Drinking at least three cups of coffee a day, Kuo lives by the tagline, "If I'm not in a café, I'm on my way to one." He is constantly seeking out coffee in the corners of every city. In 2023, he authored guide books about coffee shops in Taiwan and Japan. And in 2024, he shifted his focus to Taiwanese cuisine, sampling over a hundred bowls of lu rou fan to continue sharing authentic local flavors with everyone.

Specifications and Dimensions

ISBN: 9786269814336
200 pages, Softcover
by Chez Kuo

Dimensions: 9.1" L x 6.7" W / 23 cm L x 17 cm W
Weight: 16.6 oz / 470 g

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